Hey people!! How are u guys doing out there?? Hope everything's is going well in life!
A change in life and a change in my blog skin too! Loike it?? I simply lurve it!
I'm going for simple and pretty stuff nowadays.. Ehemz!
No more kiddy kiddy, cutey mutey, lil stary2 or wateva u call it! Haha~!
A'lil randomness about my simple life... Well.... Life has been great!
With lotsa joy & laughter!
A bit of bitterness to perks it up won't do any harm. Don't you think so??
* in actual fact i hate bitter stuff!
Friends are great! My love are too!
I get to know a number of cool peepz from my mr. love they're the sengals clan..
Great peepz! Hope to chillax with them real soon!
Am crazy over fashion nowadays..
Thanks to cha, my fashion buddy for introducing a site called, Lookbook [LB]!
Other bengs don't seems "argh!" about that site, but both of us do!
In msn: "argh" "faint" "LOMG" all appears when we chat & sending links
to each other about how stylish & fashion craze they are!
And we even get invited to sign up to that site and be a member!
All thanks to cha for that "clone" brenda?? If I'm not mistaken..
She too got no idea how the hell she got into "brenda's" account in LB!
Wateva it is, BRAVO eng! We've posted a few styles in that fashion craze site!
Oh! Guys!
I'm so going to enjoy my weekends!
Friday - Online movie marathon with mr. love!
Saturday - To S'pore River, Singapore River Festival!
Sunday - Chillax, window shop!
Ok peoples!
Got to get ready to pack up and shoo myself out from the office soon!
U peepz enjoyzing ya weekend ya! Will update soon!
Quote of the day....
What Lies Before Us And What Lies Behind Us Are Tiny Matters To What Lies Between Us!
xoxo Lizzy H xoxo